Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Pancake Tuesday/Mardi Gras/Carnevale/Faschingsdienstag

Today is Pancake Tuesday and although I didn't bake or carry around pancakes I went to a Mardi Gras event in our little town, the fire wheel. It is said to be an old Germanic custom to roll a burning wheel of straw down a hill. Since the 70s our little community is commited to this pagan custom. The weather was cold, the mulled wine hot (naturally I drank a non-alcoholic kid's punch) and I -of course- forgot my cam. So I can only show you some miserable pics from my handy cam. Here they are:

This is where everything started, with a pyre and the youngsters from our fire brigade forming a guard of honour (on the left side of the photo):

And here firemen, clad in asbestos clothing, steering the wheel down the hill:

If you want a closer look, there even exists a video of this spectacle.


Wednesday, February 04, 2009


We fight sexism, racism, ageism, but never lose a thought about our co-dwellers on this earth. I found this cute button on vegan blog site (http://veganbidraget.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss) and thought I should post it here.
There are a million webpages on speciesism, ok, ok, would you believe half a million? No? How about 122.000? And this is true, try typing the word in google.

So stop being a speciest and become vegan (or at least vegetarian).