Monday, October 26, 2009

Culinary Autumn Experiments

My healthfood store had something new in store for me (and other lazy people that is), a strudel dough in the cold shelf. Now as you know, to make a strudel dough is a very time consuming task, and I was eager to try a short cut.

So I quickly made up a brussel sprouts-and-chestnut strudel.

I have to admit it doesn't look very appetizing, just a brown mess in dough with some yellow slime running over it. But believe me this is mostly due to using a mobile cam. I know, I shouldn't do this. However, despite its looks it was quite tasty and the winter purslane salad, although looking like bumming around for a couple of days, was actually super fresh. Next time I'll use a proper camera, I promise.

I wasn't quite convinced by the texture of the strudel dough, so next time I will make my own from this web page for example.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Blick aus dem Küchenfenster

Barbara von Barbaras Spielwiese hatte die nette Idee mal bei ihren Lesern aus dem Küchenfenster schauen zu wollen. Nun hab ich wirklich lange gewartet in der Hoffnung dass noch einmal die Sonne herauskommt, aber der goldene Herbst ist wohl vorbei :(

Hier also der leicht vernebelte Blick aus meinem Küchenfenster. Bei mir steht die Spüle davor, so dass dies der Blick weniger beim Kochen denn beim Abwaschen ist. Links im Hintergrund ist das Haus unseres Nachbarn und wenn seine Fliederhecke blüht kann der Blick durchaus schön farbig werden. Ansonsten kann man noch die Autos vorbeirauschen und ab und zu einen Jogger oder Spaziergänger sehen. Als wir im Winter noch ausgiebig Schnee hatten, die letzten Jahre waren etwas mager, kamen die Langläufer um im nahen Wald auf die Loipe zu gehen; dann stehen hier die Autos kreuz und quer.

Vorne links ist ein leicht verwilderter Kirschlorbeer und von oben fängt schon wieder das Efeu an sich über das ganze Fenster winden zu wollen. Mit anderen Worten, meine Magisterarbeit hat sich auch im Vorgarten bemerkbar gemacht. Eigentlich ist der Ausblick ganz o.k., immerhin kein Hinterhof oder Uni-Sportplatz ;)

Friday, October 09, 2009

Think again before buying the cheapest milk posssible

or try a vegan chai latte (recipe from

Ginger Chai Latte
1 cup of water
2 inch piece of ginger root (peel and chop)
2 cups of soy milk
1 - 2 tablespoons maple syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla (optional)
pinch of cinnamon (optional)
1-2 teaspoons loose leaf black tea (we had oolong)

Bring the water and ginger to a boil. Simmer for about 15 minutes, you want it to reduce by about half. Add the soy milk, and, if you are using them, the vanilla and cinnamon. Bring back to a boil, remove from heat, and add the tea leaves and maple syrup. Wait 3-4 minutes to give the tea a chance to steep. Strain into 2 mugs, and enjoy!

Monday, October 05, 2009

It's done!!

I'm feeling relieved and.......useless. Yeah right, what am I going to do now. My MA thesis took all my time lately and now that the stress has been taken from me, it's like a vaccum I have to fill out with something.

But still, I think I earned a week off. So I will just enjoy a lazy autumn week with reading the brainless books I always wanted to read when I needed to work, or the stupid Japanese TV soaps that are waiting for me, or I will install The Sims again, or...

well, I could also start reading for a Ph. D. thesis. That would be fun, too. :)