Ever since I read that there are dolmen in southern Germany and Switzerland I was obsessed with the idea of finding them. I just couldn't believe to find them so far in the south. But here I am on my dolmen hunt. My first stop was the museum of Freiburg. And I wasn't dissapointed. It is a small but very fine museum. Here some objects from the museum:
Something Neolithic:

Something from the Bronze Age, a Feuerbock, the English name is totally elusive to me, sorry.

And something from the Alamannen special exhibition:

I then went farther south to the French speaking Switzerland. My first stop was Courgenay, where a dolmen portal plate with a so-called spirit hole was supposed to have survived. Since it is getting dark very early, I stayed at a very charming and rustic hotel in Courgenay. This is the bathroom.
And after I had a pizza which tasted more like a tarte flambée in the restaurant 'La pierrre percèe' I had my first glimpse of a Jura dolmen:
what the heck is wrong with the last picture? mobile phone combined with darkness??????